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healthy students learn better school nurses make it happen

Welcome to the Lowell Health Office!

The Health Office will join with teachers, counselors, and staff in providing holistic services that consider the whole child, their family, and the Whittier community in our delivery of care.  We can provide the usual services like screenings , injury triage,  Band-Aids, TLC-Tender Loving Care,  and "Nurse Crackers" but our services don't stop there. We will also be in touch with you to continue case management of chronic illnesses, answer any health questions, review immunizations, discuss health reports needed for special programming such as IEPs, 504s, and Special Education. We will also seek to provide a safe and comforting place to rest when things get hard to handle whether that be at school or at home.

Mission Statement

APS Nurses uniquely enhance the educational process for APS students by utilizing a standards/evidence-based practice to help students achieve academic excellence and to promote a quality, safe learning and working environment.


Please make sure that we have all of your current telephone numbers and emergency contact information on file in the office.

Should your child become ill or injured at school, it is extremely important that we are able to reach you. Please ensure that the school staff is notified of any changes to your work or home telephone numbers. Also please provide us with a name and phone number of someone that we can contact in the event we cannot reach you. The emergency contact should live locally. 

If your child has been sick, vomiting, and/or with a fever, please keep them at home for at least 24 hours until they are clear from any symptoms without the need of medication.

Grade Level and New Student Health Screening

We want to make sure all of our students can see, hear and have basic health in order to learn!  The following screenings are the required screenings for APS.

  • Kindergarten and students new to APS: Hearing, distance vision, stereopsis, color vision, height and weight, dental.
  • First Grade: Distance vision.
  • Third Grade: Distance vision, height and weight, dental.

If any concerns are found you will be contacted via telephone and letter.

 - Health Room Staff 

Contact Us

  • School Nurse

Tina Huggins

Hours: M-F 7 a.m.-11a.m.

  • Health Assistant

​​​​​​​ Leslie Ganz

  • 505-764-2011 x21905
  • Fax: 505-764-2013